Page 7 - December edition
P. 7
Outdoor Activities- PAGE 7
Healthy mind and Healthy Body sports. The much awaited event was
the team relay. This was inter division
With the start of new year, the college The race was held for female and male event where each division has a girls
organized the annual sports meet at St. staff members. All the male staff mem- and a boys team ready for the same.
Xaviers Football ground, Lower Parel on bers showed the best example of sports- The event was an equally exciting
9th of January, 2016. All the students manship by ending the race together. treat to watch.
were requested to assemble at the
ground by 7:30 am. On that day the at- Track events like 100 m, 200 m run was In the end to appreciate the efforts of
mosphere of the college took a festive held separately for boys and girls. Other the players participated and the win-
turn. A great interest was observed by events included discus throw, shotput ners felicitation ceremony was held.
students as well as teachers. and long jump. All the winners were awarded with
medals. At the end the person with
Before all the competitions were held, a A star attraction was the 1500 m run highest medal count in each group
small race for teaching staff was organ- held for Senior college male students. was announced as the Best athlete
ised. The entire teaching staff, including and awarded a trophy.
principal Ma’am participated in it and put The show set up was a blend of rendi-
their best foot forward. tions prepared by students in all the Inauguration of
Welcoming the new year differently Green Gym
While all were climbing the ladder to a new ments! As Podarites, we are equipped to On 18th January, 2016 , Podar college
year, 60 students of our college decided to work our way out of difficulties. As the inaugurated a Green Gym for the
hike up the hills of Tung. The squad took off Tung trekking area was closed, the entire students and staff of the college.
from Mumbai on the 7th of January in the squad marched off to Tikona, a serene Podar College is the first college to
morning. They had a jovial time travelling, location perfect for trekking. They further undertake such an initiative.
while munching on their sandwiches. had a calming downtime along the clear
waters of Pavana Lake. All in all, it was a
But we are all faced with disappoint- placid trek.
On 6th of December, Podar Nature Club organised an overnight The Adventure Trail
trip to Sandhan Valley. 35 students accompanied by 2 faculty
members had gone for the trip. All the students reported to
CST station from where they caught a train to Kasara at 2:00 There was a small cliff where everyone rested, had some
pm. After reaching Kasara station, they further went to Samrad snacks and clicked many pictures. After the half an hour break,
Village which was their it was time to return back inorder to have lunch.
campsite. At the camp site,
the students made their The participants had lunch at Samrad Village, their campsite
own tents. After which they and then got in the private vehicled to reach Kasara station.
had a short introduction " An amazing experience in the lush green meadows ; a day out
session and enjoyed the of the busy monotonous routine helping us not only rejuve-
bonfire and had dinner nate , reboot but also unwind and make new friends .
around it. Later that night,
the students star gazed and The activities and arrangements for the same well managed
saw many shooting stars. and coordinated by the people in charge leave absolutely no
space and room for any sort of complaint or dissatisfaction .
The next morning, everyone woke up, exercised to beat the The phenomenal tent spot pulling over a blanket of starts giv-
cold and later went to watch the beautiful sunrise.
ing us a glimpse of the constellations was a starling experi-
After breakfast, everyone left for the trek at Sandhan Valley. ence . In all the everyone had a great experience and learnt
The trek in the valley was a great and memorable experience. alot of things from the trip"says Abhishek Pratap Singh, Secre-
There were places where the students had to trek through wa- tary of Podar Nature's Club.
ter and they enjoyed it very much!