Page 2 - December edition
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lege’s Presentation of Rising Talent.
An annual intra collegiate festival held speciality, each student is unique and goodbye at the end. The winning
every year in December, RAPPORT is a Podar college is a combination of division’s representatives were
way of thanking the juniors for the them. awarded the most coveted RAP-
hard work they have put in throughout PORT Trophy at the closing cere-
the year in various inter collegiate ac- Rapport Rangrezz 2016 lived up to it’s mony.
tivities. ultimate aim of presenting rising tal-
ent amongst students as the most But the most touching part of the
Each year this festival is held for 4 awaited intra collegiate festival un- closing ceremony, was the farewell
days, where events are designed exclu- folded from the 21st of December. of the TYites. All the TYites were
sively for the Podarites. The events are emotional at the end for it was the
a combination of various genres like Events ranged from dance, drama, last festival of their college lives.
dancing, dramatics, music, literary and music to sports and literature. Thus ended the 4 wonderful days
others. of Rapport, 2016.
8 departments, over 60 events encom-
The main aim of this exclusive festival passing a four day celebration is some-
is to strengthen the senior and junior thing not everyone will forget over the
bond as well as break the ice for the years to come.
FYJC students who are new to the col-
lege. The results are relationships be- The treasure hunt, Podar's Dance
tween the seniors and juniors that last Hunt, the musical skit, Bollywood du-
even after the college life gets over. et, streets dance were among the
most popular events.
Each division has to choose a division
representative, who leads the division The students also fared well in pho-
in competing with other divisions of tography and informal events like the
the same standard. This prepares stu- montage and first day first show.
dents to assume greater roles as they
move ahead in college life. The compe- Beginning with the Rose Day, the four
tition is kept healthy and just. days of Rapport saw students cele-
brate diversity in India through the
Rapport 2016 had a unique theme- theme.
‘Rangrez’. This theme symbolizes the
diversity and unity in our college just What is more amazing to look at is the
like how our country is unified in the dedication with which the juniors
color of brotherhood and equality. The worked and participated in the events.
main aim was to show that just like There were practice sessions held in
how India is a combination of diverse the run up to the fest, where students
cultures, yet each culture has its own trained themselves to excel at the
Juniors were also
given an opportunity
to enact their seniors
and play instances
from their college
life. All this resulted
into a teary-eyed