German Forum

The German Forum (Deutscher Literaturkreis) is one of the foreign language forums in Podar. We at the German forum aim to organize excited, fun-filled events that make the participants know about the German language and culture.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a super skilled Hochdeutsch speaker or just a novice with no idea about German language. As long as you’re highly interested, the events of our forum are tailor-made for you!

Facebook page ELC:
Instagram page ELC:

Committee Members (2023-24):

Faculty In-charge:

Ms. Aparna Mendjoge

Student Secretary :

Ms. Shivangi Mhatre

Student Joint Secretary

Ms. Unnati Sawant

Student Treasurer :

Mr. Harsh Khankar

Executive Members :

Ms. Rutushree Deshpande
Ms. Aarya Gaikwad
Ms. Nikita Raut
Ms. Surbhi Dalvi

Activities Planned for 2022-23

1st Term:

  • 1. Inaugration ceremony
  • 2. Pasch webinar
  • 3. German Day
  • 4. Seminar on Exchange programmes
  • 5. Movie Screenings
  • 6. Seminar on Information about Daad

2nd Term:
  • 1. Thanksgiving week
  • 2. German fun games
  • 3. German seminars
  • 4. Goethe visit

Annual Report 2023 - 24 of German Forum

Annual Report 2022-23 of German Forum

Annual Report 2021-22 of Deutsche Literary Circle

Annual Report 2020-21 of Deutsche Literary Circle

Annual Report 2019-20 of Deutsche Literary Circle

Annual Report 2018-19 of Deutsche Literary Circle

Annual Report 2017-18 of Deutsche Literary Circle

Movie Screening conducted by the Deutsch Literary Circle on 6th August, 2016:
"On 6th August, 2016, the Deutsch Literary Circle of Podar conducted its first ever event as a new forum of Podar. DLC conducted a screening of the film, “The Great Escape” in S1 Classroom at 11:30 a.m. The three-hour-long movie was set during the Second World War period and based on a true story. The screening was attended and enjoyed by the students and teachers alike. As many as 42 students turned up for the screening, which was a very good turnout."

"Spiel des Wortes" on 24th August, 2016:
On 24th August, 2016, the Deutsch Literary Circle of Podar conducted its second event, "Spiel des Wortes". Spiel des Wortes (Word Games in English) commenced at 11:00 a.m. sharp in the classroom F4. The event began with an elimination round, a quiz on the culture of Germany. After the eliminations, the following three rounds were conducted: VierBilder, Ein Wort (Four Pictures, One Word): Here, the qualified teams were shown four pictures. The participants had to see the pictures, find out what was common in them and guess the correct picture. Pictionary: Here, the one of participants from each team had to choose a chit which had a word written on it. Then, that participant had to draw the word on the board, while the other participant had to guess it. Guess From The Translation: Here, the participants were given the German translations of famous Bollywood songs and Bollywood/Hollywood movies and they had to guess the correct Hindi/English translations. Out of the 12 teams participating, 8 teams qualified for the three rounds.

“Art Attack" conducted during Christmas:
On a quest to do something hatke, the Foreign Literary Circle’s Deutsch LiteraturKreis unleashed its third event called “Art Attack” on 26th December, 2016. What was unique about Art Attack was that it was a completely online event, which was a first for the forum. As we all know it, Christmas is one festival that plays a major role in the delightful German culture. Therefore, with the theme as “Christmas”, the participants of the contest had to create greeting cards and send them by 10th of January, 2017. The Forum received a surprising amount of card entries. Each entry was a unique, colourful one in its own way. Some contained vibrant drawings, which nodded towards the highlights of German culture. Some, on the other hand, infused innovative crafts to add a unique touch to the greeting card. Amidst this tough competition, Harsha Singh, Nirali Shah and SudeshnaRege emerged as the clear winners of the contest.

“Goodbye Lenin – Movie Screening" conducted on 17th January, 2017: On 17th January, 2017, the Foreign Literary Circle’s Deutsch LiteraturKreis conducted its second movie screening – of the reputed German film, “Goodbye Lenin” in S1 classroom at 11 a.m. Goodbye Lenin is a delightful tragicomedy set against the backdrop of German Reunification. It portrays the heart-warming relationship between an ailing mother and her dutiful son, who tries to hide the truth about the Reunification from his mother through dramatic (if not hilarious) ways. After a brief informative session about the German reunification period, the movie began. As many as 35 students from FYJC, FYBCom, SYBCom and TYBCom turned up for the screening, which added to the diversity of the event.

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